Sunday, February 12, 2012

Not A Coupon Zombie, Just Desperate

Ever since Extreme Couponing came out on TLC, there's been a lot more couponers out there. I admit that I'd never heard of extreme couponing until after the show was already a hit. I read about it in a magazine in the dentist's office. A dentist I was seeing, I might add, because of a car accident I was in. The car accident should eventually lead to a settlement. I had to get a lawyer and so, after his share, the IRS' share (whatever that will be) and whatever other surprises there are, I'm just praying that it pays the medical bills. Meanwhile, the dentist bill has already been added to this camel's back, and the car payment for the replacement car, and golly, there's far too much month at the end of the paychecks. Couponing is what I'm hoping will save the day, though in truth it looks like help from my own band of angels is going to be instrumental too.

So I'm trying to save money and it isn't easy. I get how the coupon thing works, and frankly, if I could just buy whatever, I could make grocery money stretch unbelievably. But so far I'm only barely seeing a difference. We can't just eat any old stuff. I noted in the circulars this week that one of the drug stores has campbell's soup for $.59 each. I know I have some $.75 off coupons. That's not just free, it's free with an overage. But alas, Campbell's soup is off our list -- wheat -- so those coupons will go to my friend, C or to my mom.  Not all is lost in the couponing department though, I did do pretty good at Albertson's this week. Spent $20.38, but saved $32.60. Yep, I saved more than I spent and I bought no junk.

You may cringe if you see me in line ahead of you with my big coupon book and my stack of ready coupons, but don't worry, I'll be as fast as possible. I have a family to feed and practically no money to do it with, but I'm making practically nothing go as far as humanly possible.

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